this rain has been unyielding
these storms have been heavy
day after day they uproot and shift
and alter and abolish
everything that felt safe
My heart is growing cold
and I am tired of these clouds
but my love won’t let me drown in the
sea these storms have caused
He won’t let me trip on the piles of wreckage
they continue to havoc and heave.
Instead he zips a raincoat
around my tired limbs,
he grabs my hand and
he smiles wide with bravery
“I know there is rain, I know there is sorrow,
I know these storms have changed the world itself-
but they have not changed us,” he says
Gently, kindly, patiently,
he grabs my shaking hand
and he pulls me away
from the confinement of my fear
Instead of hiding from the storm,
we enter right in,
our shield an old umbrella, our armor,
raingear and love.
Others gape and mock us
from the inside of their shelters
laughing and yet wondering
how we can stand in this threatening storm
I wave at them, because I know their old friend fear,
and his chains are heavier than the rain outside
I hold tightly to my boy, my rock, my friend,
and we don’t just stand,
we dance, and we leap
and we jump in the rain puddles,
and we smell the clean earth
we watch the grass grow green,
and we know that Spring will come.
Joy can be found, even in this
Life can be found, even in this
And I know these days are heavy
and I know the storm pounds lighter
in my small patch of the sky
but take heart, don’t hide in the shelter of your fear,
this storm will change much,
but it doesn’t have to change you.
When the rain clouds go away,
you’ll look back and see that
the storms that ripped apart our earth,
are the same storms that made puddles
for us to jump over, for flowers to grow
and for life, to keep on.