Accountant by day, writer by night; I love twinkly lights, strong cups of black coffee, muck boots, mountaintops, rainstorms, and the sea. I’m a proud auntie, I’m married to my dream boy and I live for exploring this beautiful planet we’re so blessed to call home!

I call myself the word enthusiast because I am awed by stories and the power of the written word. Reading and writing are my passion, my past time and my most joyous pursuit!

I hope to write stories that make readers laugh, cry, feel understood and walk away feeling like they just got a warm hug, closer to that thing we all need more of- hope, and the one whom the bible calls-
the WORD made flesh.

It is for that Word that I am most enthusiastic.
And it is for that Word that all my other ramblings and writings are for.

Much love,

word enthusiast