all i want is to write
as i balance accounts at work
as i brush my teeth at night
as i lay my head down to sleep
as i run in the morning light
the words buzz around me
wherever i go
louder and louder
until i can’t hear anything else
they float around me
until i can’t see anything els
clouding my view of what is before me
of the present, the future, and all that’s between
like butterflies, they flutter endlessly
beautiful, but fragile, and always out of reach
I grasp, I leap, I wait,
but I can never catch up to them

tears form in my eyes,
as they buzz and float and flutter,
and I realize that for now, I am utterly incapable of this task
someday perhaps, the butterflie
s of the words I’ve yet to write
will land close enough for me to hold onto,
and I will share their beauty with others,
I will be free of their taunting at last

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1 Comment

  1. Beautiful…in the beginning was the word…words and language are the only connection points we have with sharing conscious thoughts. To be able to master words is a great gift. Keep ruminating on your thoughts and how to express them.

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