For you
a new song
in a world devoid of music
almost afraid to even whisper
my voice cries out above the mobs
I still sing songs
for you

For you
a new day
in a world where all mans days
are spent striving for himself
I have no desire
for the broad road that leads to hell
I choose the narrow path
for you

For you
a new prayer
in a world that cannot quench
the burning thirst within my spirit
I cry out for my soul
and the souls of those around me
we ache so desperately
for you

For you
a new step
in a world ever shifting and changing
through valleys and hills unfamiliar
I know not the path
but I know my God
So I press on
for you

For you
a new dream
in a world that likes to break them
I may never be the best
But I’ll continue to take joy
in sharing the words
that are yours to give
I will keep writing
for you

For you
a new year
in a world so cruel and angry
there are fears and there are questions
but there is beauty coming soon
I am grateful and I am hopeful
for you

For you
all my songs,
all my days,
all my prayers
all my steps,
all my dreams,
all my years
all I am

til I’ve fought the good fight
til I’ve finished the race
I will live
I will love
for you

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