It’s the first week of August, and to be honest, I thought the end of Summer would look different than this…

I, in my naivety, hoped I’d have an agent by now.

I’ve been querying since the end of January… half a year. And I’ve received over 60 rejections.

Recently I’ve been following the success stories of authors, some of which sent over 150 queries before landing their agent.
So I know I have a long ways to go…

But, even still… I can’t help but feel discouraged. I can’t help but feel a bit behind… listening to that voice in the back of my head that tells me I should have started writing earlier, started applying myself harder when I was younger, swapped the hikes and time I’ve spent reading and relaxing this Summer with time spent working harder at querying.

I was feeling all this especially when my husband and I traveled last week to backpack the teton crest trail… wondering if my time would be better spent holed up at home, drafting, editing and querying relentlessly. But I was also excited to get out in nature… far away from all of life’s pressures.

I was anticipating the glory of the mountains, the feeling of strength in my lungs and my bones, sights of wonder and beauty.
But the one thing I wasn’t expecting…

was the wildflowers.

Where I live, most of the wildflowers dried up months ago.
I presumptuously assumed they’d be dried up for the most part in the Teton region as well.

But I was wrong.

Acres and acres of lush, vivid meadows, teemed with the most ravishing wildflowers that seared my soul with their beauty.

And over and over, with each new mile, I was reminded of the words of Jesus:

“Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or toil or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.” -Luke 12:27

I clung to those words as we hiked through the tetons and felt the weight of summers end nearing.

they do not labor or toil or spin.

But I do. And I have. And I know I will again.

Yet that will not help me grow.

Perhaps you are in a similar season. You’re waiting. You’re working. You’re wondering.

Will I get the house? Will I be approved for the adoption? Will I get accepted into the school?

You’re striving, straining, and yet never seem to see the reward for all your labors.

The thing I’ve learned about considering the wildflowers, is that if you watch them for a while, you’ll notice some things. First of all, they don’t fight the winds that pass through the canyons. They lean into it. And they dance. You’ll almost never find one growing alone. They grow in groups, cloistered together. And they’re always reaching up, toward the light, toward heaven, to their creator.

And in this season, and all the seasons that come next in my life – that is how I want to grow as well.

Trusting, reaching, for heaven, for father- who clothes the meadows of the Tetons with wildflowers. Not fighting the winds of rejection or passing time, but leaning into it with acceptance. Dancing like the scarlet red Indian paintbrush, free like the lilac daisies. Realizing I can’t grow in isolation, and that beauty is found in community. Resting in where I’m at. Because wildflowers can’t move unless something else moves them- a force they can’t control.

The verse following Luke 12:27 says this:

“If that’s how God clothes the grass, which is in the field today and gone tomorrow, how much more will He do for you—oh you of little faith?” (vs 28)

I don’t know about you, but I have little faith. And sometimes all the faith I have I put in myself. So that makes it very little indeed.

But I know all I need is faith like a mustard seed if the one I put my faith in is the God of the tetons. The one who is far more magnificent and majestic than the gray granite mountain peaks. He made them and every wildflower in them, yet he cares for you and I so much greater.

We can rest in his love. Dance in the light of his provision. And keep reaching for him in the waiting.
Considering his wildflowers, for to truly do so, we must stop, and study, be still.

Remembering as he summarized in the end of Luke:

 “Don’t keep striving for what you should eat and what you should drink, and don’t be anxious. For the Gentile world eagerly seeks all these things, and your Father knows that you need them. But seek His kingdom, and these things will be provided for you. Don’t be afraid, little flock, because your Father delights to give you the kingdom.” (vs. 29-32)

As we see the end of summer approaching, don’t labor, don’t toil, don’t spin.
But rest in the soil of where you’re at, reaching up to the one who sustains you.

P.S. The Teton crest trail was absolutely incredible and I’d highly recommend it. For more pictures and updates, check out my socials @emthewordenthusiast

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  1. God JUST reminded me of this verse like, 24 hours ago, and then I saw your post. 😯😄 Thanks for that confirmation, Lord! And thank you for writing this post and for the beautiful reminder. 🩷

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