My heart is heavy as I sit here to write.

I wasn’t exactly sure what I’d post this week; I was thinking about maybe sharing a bit of poetry, or tips about surviving the winter blues- something a little lighter and different than the content I’ve written about so far.

But then Wednesday happened.

And although I wish with all my heart that I didn’t have to write about this, I know I can’t stay silent.

As Dietrich Bonhoeffer once quoted,

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”

On Wednesday, January 23rd, on the 46th anniversary of Roe V. Wade, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed into law a bill making abortion a “fundamental right” up to a babies day of birth. They called this the “Reproductive Health Act.”

This law authorizes abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, for any reason, with no restrictions, up until birth and even after birth if a child is born during the course of an abortion. It also permits nurses and non-physicians to perform abortions, provided they are a licensed “health care practitioner” and acting in “good faith.”

Three years prior to the landmark Roe v. Wade case, New York legalized abortion but still kept abortion in its criminal code, making it a felony to perform late term abortions. The 1970 law defined homicide as a “conduct which causes the death of a person or an unborn child with which a female has been pregnant for more than 24 weeks.” That all changed on Wednesday as the Reproductive Health Act stripped abortions from the penal code. Under this new law, a person is now defined as “a human being who has been born and is alive.” Changing this definition allows abortion post-viability when it is necessary “to protect the patient’s life or health” — exceptions that courts have interpreted broadly as referencing any pregnancy at any point.

This new law also prohibits limitations on abortion that the Supreme Court has permitted, such as waiting periods, parental involvement laws, and bans on partial-birth abortion.

Whereas it is illegal in New York to lethally inject convicted criminals, it is now legal to lethally inject a baby up until the moment of its birth.

I don’t know how this information makes you feel.

I’m sure you’ve read the articles, watched the news, heard the stories…

You can’t be blind to what’s going on.

Maybe you are confused since the Lawmakers who passed this bill are saying the women of New York need legal safeguards and the decisions they’ve made are all due to women’s rights being at risk.

Don’t get me wrong. I care about women’s rights. I ache for the thousands of women in Asia’s slums who have no choice but to sell their bodies to feed their children. My heart goes out to the hundreds of women in the Middle East who are severely restricted in the realms of education, dress, politics and marriage. I believe God created male and females equal and that our rights as citizens and human beings should be equal. I support women.

But I will never support this.

This bill completely obliterates the right of all rights, an inalienable right that includes the unborn;


The only women’s rights that are at stake in the United States are the rights of our future unborn women. Our future entrepreneurs, writers, politicians, developers…

Those who are celebrating the passage of New York’s Reproductive Health Act are not promoting a step forward in women’s rights.

They are applauding cold-blooded murder.

In essence, this act is a license to kill unborn babies, even when they could survive outside of the womb.

Medical experts such as Dr. Omar L. Hamada have publicly denounced the RHA.

“I want to clear something up so that there is absolutely no doubt. I’m a Board Certified OB/GYN who has delivered over 2,500 babies. There’s not a single fetal or maternal condition that requires third trimester abortion. Not one. There is absolutely no medical reason to kill a near term or term infant, for any reason.”

Not only is there absolutely no medical reason for it, the practices and procedures used to abort babies at this stage are horrifying. Abortionists crush skulls. They inject poison into a baby which can certainly feel pain due to its developed nervous system. They tear apart beautifully formed arms and legs.

We must wake up, America.

We must wake up, church of Jesus Christ.

Now more than ever, we must defend the sanctity of life and fight for those who cannot defend themselves.

Proverbs 24:11 says,

“Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter.”

Pray. Pray for our nation, pray for our nations women, pray for our lawmakers, our pastors, our counselors, those who are in the medical field, for mothers and fathers….

Pray for abortionists, pray for women who are considering abortions.

Don’t judge those people. Don’t judge those women. Love. Share the hope of Christ. Be educated about abortion and the many, many alternatives.

Our voice matters. Use it. Our prayers matter. Get on your knees

On the night of January 23rd, New York Governor Cuomo ordererd the World Trade Center to be lit pink to celebrate the new law permitting unborn babies to be killed by abortion up until birth……while the WTC memorial below bore the names of 11 unborn children who lost their lives in the 9/11 attacks .

Furthermore, The Horrors of Auschwitz, an exhibit created to ensure that people don’t forget about the destruction of life, is coming to New York- the state that just legalized the abortion holocaust up to birth.

Blood is flowing in the streets of our Nation as we continue to snuff out life in the womb. We can’t stand idly by and watch it happen.

Please pray, be educated, and consider signing this petition for New York to overturn the recent abortion expansion laws.

The lives of the innocent are at stake.

God have mercy.

Below are some pictures of premature babies. Babies at these ages inside the womb can now be legally aborted in the state of New York.

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  1. Thank you, Emily. The enemy is a cold blooded murderer … THE hater. And the whole world lies under his sway (1 Jn 5:19). Thank you for your passionate plea and call to action.

  2. It makes me cry. I honestly don’t know what kind of woman could do that… Even just starting in your pregnancy you are so freaking attached to the person inside you I couldn’t even dream of something like that happening to my baby. I got an ultrasound at 15 weeks and he was tiny but he was kicking and twirling around it was beautiful. How could you kill that. It aggravates me that if someone were to do that to a dog or really any animal people would go berserk. It’s a felony to eat an eagle egg. A bird. That may or may not even have a bird inside. But knowing you have a human and deciding to kill it is inhumane. It scares me. It scares me that someone would think that’s ok. And that those people are able to pass laws that allow such heinous crimes against the most innocent.

  3. Thank you so much for writing this. I absolutely agree with everything you wrote. We need to pray and stand up more than ever. It hurts me to know that we have reached this and I can’t imagine how disappointed God is. My heart it breaking for all the innocent lives they have already killed. 😢🙏🏽🙏🏽

    1. I agree. Yet God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that we could ask or think! Lets keep doing our part and praying and having faith.

  4. After the recent nationwide ruling, it seemed the final nail had been put in the Roe v Wade coffin. Wrong. I sometimes feel ashamed that there isn’t more to do than just vote. More should be done to tap the adoption subject. Our western culture and lifestyle have taken the care and concern away from the church and given it to the government. I’m sure there were willing people outside the temple of Molech waiting to intercept children from the sacrifice alter and plead with people to raise the little ones. Thanks for caring and keeping the fire lit on this subject.

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