Lord thank you for this life, at times like an oceans tide,
billowing, pulling and heaving all around me,
It reminds me that you alone keep me steady.
Lord thank you for the fiery darts of trial and temptation,
though they soar after me without retreat.
I know when I call, you will defend me.
Lord thank you for my weakness, so strangely overpowering at times.
Your strength is made perfect in my deficiencies,
and I lack nothing if I have you.
Lord thank you for my doubts, though at times they engulf me

so deeply in the darkness, I can barely see the light.
I know your light is there, despite what I can see,
and the darkness cannot over-come it.
Lord thank you for those who come against me,

though their words and actions are not of you,
it shows me how much they need you.
Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.
Lord thank you for this fallen world,

though it makes my heart so weary,
I would not know the majesty and goodness of who you are
without the evil and depravity in me and in others.
Lord thank you for my anxious thoughts,

which never seem to leave me,
they tell me I have not been surrendered to your will.
Lord thank you for leaving me and ascending into heaven,

though I ache for you, I am filled with a hopeful expectation
that overpowers fear of death.
Lord thank you for my grief, though I would never choose

to walk it’s path, you comfort me on the way
and equip me to comfort others.
Lord thank you for keeping me here. Though I yearn to see

your glory and truly be at home, I know my life has a purpose,
and you are using me to lead others home too.
Lord thank you for defeat, though the enemy screams his victory,
I know you can use what He means for evil and turn it into good.
Lord thank you for being silent, though I yearn for resolution

and reprieve, you teach me to have joy and patience,
even amidst my unanswered prayers.
Lord thank you for my loneliness, though it feels as if

there is no one who understands me, I know that you are all I need,
my brother, my lover, my friend.

Lord thank you for your hand, so very heavy on me. Lord I do not know why you are testing me. I do not know what you are teaching me. I feel oppression and I feel resistance, but I know somehow that it is you. Thank you Lord, for pressing so heavy on my life, my hopes, my dreams, my desires. I do not understand your ways, they are higher, and deeper and wider than my own. I do not understand why I must walk through such pain, but thank you Lord for allowing me to suffer as you did. Thank you for the weightiness of your ever righteous, and ever loving hand. Your hand presses heavy. But at least it means I’m near you.

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