To my Popwe shared a bond on earth because of the blood we shared,
we’ll share a bond in heaven because Christ shared his blood with us.

He was a classic

like the blue ford truck he’s had since I was born
he was harmonicas around the campfire
pockets full of golf tees
and newspapers by his lazy boy
beneath his sun stained bible

I’ve got his polish ears
that I used to hide
but now bear proudly
because they’ll always remind me of him

we shared a love of Keith Green
and apple fritters
soft pajama pants
and four wheeler rides in the mountains

he was a writer
like me
a thinker
like me
and i want to live
like him

tangibly kind

he was my mama’s daddy
my grams true love
puns and prayers
a pilot
my pop

90 years of war and peace passed before his eyes
he knew hurt and hope
struggle and triumph
grit and glory
faith and fear

but i never knew him
i only knew him

every time we’d say goodbye
he’d stand on the porch
watching and waving
til I’d driven out of sight

now Gram stands alone
as she waves me goodbye
and a lump crawls in my throat
because she’s alone yet not alone

something tells me he’s still there
standing with his bride
and watching out for me

til the day we meet again

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  1. Favorite line- I never knew him defeated
    I only knew him redeemed.
    Thanks for such a poignant memoir.
    Sincere and thoughtful and full of hope- we can all be redeemed- we just have to choose to exchange our heart for God’s. Jesus stands at the door to the heart of every man. May we all let him in.

  2. How do you properly say goodbye to someone you can’t “one line” away. I think you did a great job trying here. He loved watching energetic people. NCAA final four series, Jesus Christ Superstar and lively grandkids remind him that God is not dead, he flows through us in the form of the Holy Spirit. Feeling a little drained, empty without hope. Seek and you will find. Grandpa Mark did years prior and found the energy he was looking for.

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