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the light in the lights

Last week the sky graced us with a mavelous display known as the northern lights. I was tired, spent, still recovering physically from a head cold and drained due to a big impending work deadline. But I wanted to see the lights. I yearned to, especially during a week where the beauty felt dim amid …

worms eyeview of green trees

Watching and Waiting.

“Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour of the Son of Man’s coming.” -Matthew 25:13 I’ll never forget the first time my sister Bekah came home from college. Her flight landed late at night and the airport was over an hour away from our house so my parents went …


w a s t e l a n d.

For days I’d been living in a wasteland.My heart was tired. My spirit was spent. I had wandered from the refuge of the promised landand I was dying of thirst. God looked down on me with his arms crossed.“My child, aren’t you tired of living this way?Aren’t you ready to come home?” But I refused …